Last Day In Ipoh (sorta)
forget 26th, its already the 29th and by the time i'm finished with this post it would probably be the 30th. the hours just seem to be flying by and i'm only wasting every single one of them. thats how i'm feeling right now. this is the last day i'd be in Ipoh for the next 1 year ++. i dun even know when will i be back. instead of doing something special to commemorate this momentous occasion i'm sitting in front of my comp.
being the 'emotional' person that i am, i should be telling my goodbyes to just about everything... the hill outside my hse, the stray dogs that loiter around, the funky smell in my room, my broken toilet bowl.. the list goes on. however i'm not. its like i know that i wont be seeing these things for quite some time but my mind seems to be too lazy to care. }
enuff lazy talk la, i'll just end here by wishing everything i own and somethings i don't own in Ipoh a big big Goodbye. Goodbye.
26th already?!
it's 5 more days to Merdeka and i can already feel the anxious-ness in me. right now i'm like 'Wow, i'd be spending my next Weekend in Switzerland!' / 'Sigh, i'd be spending my next Weekend in Switzerland!' / 'Errr, should i really be thinking about the next weekend?'
get what i'm trying to say? i'm Excited and Anxious and still Lazy at the same time! i felt like i'm wasting my 'last days' in Malaysia (for now at least) by sitting in front of the comp doing nothing. so in order to boost productivity i decided to do the next best thing to nothing - blogging!
sadly there's nothing much i wanna say also. i'm having this super small gathering tonight with some of my good-est good-est buddies. its not even a party of the smallest scale, just some get together / 'how've you been' session... i really hate this period of 'going away and adapting' if i had the Universal Remote Control from Click i'd gladly push the 'Skip' button, BUT after watching Click i learnt that we gotta cherish life whatever the circumstances.
oh and if u haven't watched Click go watch it. its good, seriously.. u'd be surprise to learn a moral lesson or 2 from it as well. anyway, here are some pictures of me French Classmates as promised. i malas to on my laptop where all the pictures are so i just take from me Friendster.
My 'French' Classmates - a rather jolly bunch of people i may add.
"Farewell Lunch" at some 'French Vietnamese' Restaurant, nothing French about it at all...
My Tablemate Simon, My Free Ride to LRT station [Thanks Daniel :)], The Nicest 'School-Keeper' i've met Vincent.
The End Of 5 Weeks
Me Bed For The Past 5 Weeksfor the past 5 week's i've been learning French in KL. 5 weeks IS short but it FEELS even shorter. I could remember the first day of French class as if it were only 4 weeks 6 days ago, and here i am today, hours before me last day of French class.
however i couldn't say i'll be missing French classes that much thanks to some teacher of 'BIG porpotions'. hmmm, i feel rather glad to be leaving yet somehow i macam sikit berat hati le. i've met some really (insert compliment here) ppl in French Class, i'm hoping to snap some pics of them tomorrow and exploit em on me blog.
french class aside, it also means Merdeka's getting closer! i'm excited yet not too excited, kinda anxious yet not anxious enuff to make be get all serious about finalising me packing and stuff. sigh, i'm still in me Holiday Mood. i feel like i should be doing so much yet i'm spending me everyday Sleeping -> Waking -> Eating -> Toileting -> Sleeping. like i said i'm still to lazy to break the cycle. in fact i'm gonna honor the cycle by going to the loo and sleeping somewhere in the next 45 minutes!
Good Night people.
1945 : 'It Was Just Against Humanity'
August 6th 1945 - US drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima
August 9th 1945 - Atomic Bomb hits Nagasaki
those dates meant little significance to me but after watching a 2-part Documentary on the Discovery Channel called 'Hiroshima' i wanted to voice out what i thought about the attack.i always knew that how was World War 2 ended. i heard it from my grandparents, i read it in school history books. i always thought the attack made by the Americans was a necessity and thus justified. Japan was the 'evil' one, conquering nations, killing thousands, there can be no doubt about that. yet after watching the documentary, the re-telling of what happened and the re-enactment i had another view - It Was Just Against Humanity.throughtout the documentary, there were interviews among first-hand witnesses of that day, both the American side and the Japanese side. as you would have guessed, the Americans thought it was necessary and i quote one of the member among the bombing crew ' i wasn't thinking of those who died, i was thinking of those who didn't have to' as valiant as that sounds i bet the innocent Japanese civillians didn't think so.
the documentary showed a few re-enactments as they were being re-told by the victims themselves. and there was this particular one where a mother retold how she had to leave her daughter to burn alive under rubble. in the re-enactment, you could hear the sound of a little girl crying out for her mother, screaming 'Mommy where are you' 'Don't Leave Me' 'It Hurts' over and over again while the helpless mother could only reply in tears 'Please forgive me, i am a bad mother to you'
just watching the re-enactment made my heart 'sink'. just imagine what it would be like actually living through those moments. those victims did not deserve any second of it. it would be futile to debate whether was that an act of necessity or a crime against humanity. i know many more have suffered such a fate and therefore don't you think it's a time we started to 'THINK with our HEARTS? the phrase 'without suffering there would be no compassion' sounded like bull shit to me. yet after watching the documentary i definitely felt this overwhelming sense of compassion.BUT haven't we all had more than enough SUFFERING to start having a sense of compassion? after thousands of years of conflict and suffering haven't we learnt the value of life? i know TALK IS CHEAP. the world leaders today have done well to prove that.
before i get too political pls check out this link a witness story about the attack on Nagasaki.
life is a precious gift given to each of us, you have your share please don't take other's.
Sounds From The Past
can't sleep, sick of everything on my current playlist, looked around for any old CDs lying about and i saw one very special CD. that CD was given to me 2 years back. its a very special CD because of very special yet obvious reasons. haha.
it contains 12 love songs, love songs that didn't mean much to me until recently. talk about late. actually it is TOO LATE. looking back from my perspective it was a terrible lost, yet apparently now i realised it couldn't have been a better solution. the timing was a total mess. it wouldn't have worked out.
as Keith Urban sings in he's song You'll Think Of Me - ' It seems the only blessing I have left to my name, Is not knowin' what we could have been, What we should have been.'
errr.. what am i talking about? oh nothing.. you know me - i'm the most emo boy ever. so excuse me as i lol and sigh at the past. and remember the lesson we learnt today..
don't RUSH it...
don't f**kin PROCRASTINATE....
Troubled Thoughts
its been a few days since Kean Yip's tragic death. i could see MSN nicks wishing him peace, some wishing for justice, others showing a 'rose' as a kind of remembrance to him.
death could have different meanings to different people. as a Christian i believe that there is heaven and hell. simple enough, yet the catch is that not every Good Person goes to heaven - only those who have accepted Jesus as Saviour does. Now i do not intend to explain or preach here. anyway, as i was chattin with Wai Sam yesterday i found out Kean Yip wasn't a Christian, and we both very well know what that means.
i wanted to do something, i wanted to pray for him but how? from what i know it's already too late. my friend adviced me to pray for peace for he's family and to bless him in Jesus' name, besides that there's nothing i could do. now if u read my previous post you may be wondering why am i praying for him and all seeing that i couldn't get along with him while he was alive. its not because i felt bad or anything, its because i understand how painful it can be to find out the truth that you're friend/you're son/you're brother is in Hell.
think about it, Kean Yip was a good person in general, he was a promising student with a bright future and suddenly in an instance it was all gone. He was brutally murdered and no doubt suffered before death, it would only be fair that he's found peace after suffering those final moments. yet truth says otherwise. Zhu Whee made a point in his comment. i'm sure my questions, my thoughts is now running through he's mind as well.
as Zhu Whee said, he's not blaming God, but these are the questions we can't help but ask. If you're a non Christian reading this it would have been impossible for me not to have offended you. i know because I was offended. but whatever faith we're practicing, i think the least we could do is to offer Kean Yip and he's Family a prayer.