Voices In My Head

Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Post to End the Year

As 2007 comes to and end, I can't help but feel the excitement of ushering in the new year.

I have always thought of New Year as an opportunity to have a brand new beginning, starting anew on a clean slate, making New Year resolutions to ensure that the year is going to be better than the last. By doing so I tend to focus on the negative aspects while missing out all that I could be thankful for. Well, this time its going to change. Pastor Prince said that 2007 is going to be the year of new beginnings and even on the last day of 2007 God's word still stands. Its never too late for new beginnings, and I welcome it. =)

There was so much happening in 2007. It was the first time celebrating Chinese New Year without my grandma and it certainly felt different. My family also had to cope with the fact that my grandfather was getting weaker due to alzheimer's disease. It was my first taste of work as an intern in China which was a whole new environment and experience to me. Then early this month I heard the news of my grandfather's sudden passing. I for one hated changes, I never saw myself being able to cope well with changes. Yet, I found myself enjoying the year. I enjoyed the time spent with Daddy God both during the good and bad times. Enjoying all the time I spent with my family, realising that all these change has brought my family closer. My 2nd year in Switzerland which is now nearing to an end has also been tremendously blessed.

All the blessings and breakthroughs could never have happen if I was not introduced to the Gospel of Grace through New Creation Church's ministries. 2007 was indeed a year of new beginnings as God blessed me with my precious bro Eugene who freely shared all the messages he had from Ps Prince, Ps Mark, Ps Chin and Ps Lian. Those annointed messages are life savers, literally, reminding me of the hope I have in Christ and His love for me. And then there was multiply. I never knew what treasure I stumbled upon when i created my multiply account. It was more than a blog, it was fellowship. Ever since adding Eugene and Jacqueline into my contacts i've been given access to updates from fellow bros and sis from New Creation Church. I have been truly edified and encouraged time and time again through their posts and updates. Among the many contacts I would like to note the few which I have been encouraged most

I'm not sure if you notice my frequent visits to your sites, but I'm really grateful for all the encouragement and inspiration you've given me. Appreciate it. I may not be able to attend NCC this year but I believe I have been growing with it. =)

And now my thoughts for the coming year. Yesterday I was chattin with some of my closest buddies (Kin Wai, Zhu Whee, Yong Kim, Leland...)whom I have known from either primary or secondary school. For the most part of our school lives we went to classes together, took tuition together and hung out together. My close buddy Kin Wai commented that 'everyone's leaving ady' which made me stop and think for a moment. Even those who were still in Ipoh had to leave for further studies after their STPM and for many of us its our first time working albeit part time jobs or internships. A downside of growing up in a sleepy city like Ipoh is that once you're gone its not likely you'll return to get a job or settle down anytime soon. In other words we would rarely have a chance to hang out like we used to anymore.

For us 1988 babies, 2008 also marks the year we become 'young-adults'. Okay, so mayb i'm making a big fuss out of it, but I think it should be taken seriously. Its an integral part of our lives and what we believe now will affect our outlook on life, moulding our character. As for me I've chosen to believe the word of God, letting it craft me into the wonderfully made Arrow that I am, hitting the mark. I have been wanting to attend NCC and i'm counting on God to make it happen in 2008. Also, after being a Christian for 3 years and numerous thoughts of getting baptised, I want to have my baptism, declaring my faith in my Saviour.

I'm looking forward to 2008 to be a year beyond my wildest imagination and a year of restoration. A new year does not promise a great year, it is Jesus who does. There will be no need for resolutions this coming year, only God's promises which in Christ are Yes and Amen!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Eating Asia

Talk about South-East Asian food and a sense of pride just rushes through me. Call me bias but no other cuisine could come close to South-East Asian cuisine. We've got the best of everything - Chinese, Malay, Indian cuisine. Add in a dash of local ingenuity and flavour, even the top Michelin chefs could not compete.

During my previous semester which included some practical knowledge of Service and Kitchen, I was introduced to Western service and cooking methods which my French ang mo chefs and lecturers were so proud of. I'd scoffed at them whenever they seem to think W
estern cuisine is superior. I had the thought that ang mos will never be able to comprehend the true wonders of South-East Asian cuisine.... till today.

I came across this food blog called


which is operated by freelance writer Robyn Eckhardt and photographer David Hagerman who are currently based in Malaysia. They produce really interesting articles about food around the region, along with some really professionally taken pictures too.

Thought your plate of Char Kway Teow could not look any
nicer? Think again.

Their knowledge on South-East Asian food is astounding. Before reading the about me page I would never have guessed them to be ang mos. Aside from South-East Asian food, they also write some pretty interesting posts on mainland Chinese food as well as the Not Asia category.

Recommended to all Food Lovers.

Monday, December 03, 2007


I was telling daddy God just a few hours ago that although i've been feeling insecure in many areas and I've been falling into self effort in those areas, I want Him to know that He is my God, my Savior and that I chosed to trust in Him for everything in my life.

Few hours later, I was awoken by a call from my sister saying that my grandfather just passed away.

My grandfather was suffering from alzheimer's disease for the past year and as time went by his body just got weaker. One sickness led to another, it doesn't seem to stop. My grandfather's condition was something really hard for me to pray for, I just didn't know what to pray seeing him in such a condition. Honestly I found it hard to believe for a complete healing, I wanted to have others to believe with me, to pray with me. I sent an email to Eugene just last week but now my grandfather is gone.

My grandfather was not born again which is my primary concern. I was believing in Jesus to tell His love for my grandfather personally. My feelings are a mess now, but I'm reminded that Jesus has the final say and somehow I believe Jesus brought my grandfather home seeing that my grandfather really wanted to 'go' ever since having the illness. Furthermore, I was told my grandfather passed away real sudden and peacefully, 10 minutes ago he was asking for breakfast and 10 minutes later he left.

Still, is this from the Holy Spirit or is this what I want myself to believe?

I found myself writing a similar post just a year ago about my grandma's passing. Honestly i've been to too many funerals for the past year. I was believing for the exact same things a year ago and the results seem to be no different. I did not see what I was hoping for.

Yet, I continue to believe. Believing that Jesus is my savior, my provider, for me, for my family.

This is no act of faith, rather it seems more like desperation. I'm a desperate soul seeking for help, I know I can't do it on my own. Even if things doesn't seem to turn out the way I was hoping it to, or if my prayers seem unanswered I'm gonna continue to believe, what else can I do?

There's something that i'm beyond doubt, that is the faithfulness and love of my daddy God.

Love that prepared a home for my grandfather, Love sent His son to die for my grandfather.

I pray that my grandfather is home with Jesus right now, free from his sufferings, reunited with my grandma.

I miss them so much.