Voices In My Head

Friday, March 23, 2007


I prayed for a way out and now my family is giving me a way out. They don't want to force me to do something I don't like. The choice is this 'quit the job end the course and start anew' or 'continue to endeavour and get a diploma then continue with another course'

both choices bear significant circumstances yet I am blessed to have a choice. The first one sounds foolish while the second one sounds logical. I am free to choose either and given the tired and frustrated me I would most definitely choose the former while being the calm and more reasonable me i'd choose the latter.

yet God's wisdom surpasses human feelings or reason. Trust in the Lord lean not on your own understanding, in all of your ways acknowledge Him, He'll make your paths straight. I was told that Hotel Management may not be the right choice for me before i took up the course, yet God prospered me in my mistake giving me good results for my first semester and most importantly a new identity in Christ. God being the same yesterday, today and forever will no doubt prosper me again becaus i'm forever righteous in Christ, forever entitled to God's grace, favour and blessings.

considering the other option, i'm pretty sure that i don't intend to major in Hotel Management. If I were to start anew, i would have wasted my year in Switzerland as well as time and money in the process of starting anew, but Blessed i know i'll be and His grace will turn things around.

i believe both choices leads me to the same destination - my calling because I have Jesus, my guide for life. Because God and my family loves me, they'll respect my decision. As for now i can't stop work this instant, as much as i may hate my job i don't want to be branded irresponsible therefore i'm currently choosing the 2nd choice to endeavour not by my efforts but His. I'm asking God to guide me and He will by prompting me through the Holy Spirit along the way.

my bro eugene told me, in spite of all these growing pains, emotions, questions we're blessed to know that we have a constant, constant God who loves us. Abraham made the same mistake twice by saying that Sarah was his sister but God prospered him twice. Daddy never gets fed up with me.


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