Voices In My Head

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I Feel

Our feelings and emotions are what makes us Human.

Ever watched those sci-fi movies about Artificial Intelligence or robots?

Artificial Intelligence do think, but they do not feel.

We are created with feelings yet at some point you would have heard someone say they wished they're heart was made of stone, not wanting to have feelings.

Our maker understand our feelings but He's telling us not to trust in our feelings but to have Faith. I can see why, feelings are so misleading.

Right now i'm feeling real Angry. Streamyx is trying to be funny with me by giving me a bad line which makes it difficult or simply impossible for me to go online. At the same time my Final Fantasy 12 disc starts to have errors just when I've fallen in 'love' with the game. Also adding in some 'growing pains' and u get one frustrated Jonathan.

Who do you think of first when something goes wrong? I think of God. Somehow I always think about Him when things go wrong - not to pray but to question. The first question would be 'WHY GOD? WHY?' Everyime when something goes wrong for me I'd think God is behind it and my anger only makes me angry at God.

Faith makes me believe that God loves me no matter how i feel about him. Its hard to see blessings coming in to your life with your back turned against God but it still does. Because its not our faith that brings us our blessings ; its our faithful God.

My bro Eugene is currently so blessed in America. (Check out his blog by clicking on the link on the bottom right.) Eugene's life is a perfect testament of God's love and favour to His children. I on the other hand seem to not have recieved anything yet. I'm still struggling to grow up and finding my place in life. Alot of questions unanswered, alot of frustration building and problems rising.

Yet blessed i know i am, by faith i know my life would reflect God's glory in spite of my circumstances. I'm actually writing this post to let out steam. So please excuse the repetitive nature of my message.

There's alot in my heart that i need to let out, but sometimes i just don't feel like talking to God even though he's the only person available.

I want out of my feelings,

but without then i wouldn't be me.

People always say 'Be Yourself'

but what happens when 'Myself' isn't good enough?

Daddy help me.


  • If given a chance, I would definitely want to 'feel' good all the time and not feel like crap. Guess that's what everyone wants to feel.

    Like you, sometimes I feel as if God is not blessing me at all and I feel that I'm a useless jerk or sth like that or why can't I be like that person who seems to hv it all. My friend, Meng Chuen is really blessed la. He has it all. He is so intelligent, hardworking, good looking, nice, godly, blah blah blah. Perhaps the reason why he is so blessed is because he knows that he is a blessed child of God.

    I believe that Daddy God will bless you abundantly coz' you know how blessed you are. And how can u not be good enough when you depend on your Daddy God?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:44 PM  

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