Voices In My Head

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Today, a year ago

Today, a year ago my grandma passed away.

I miss my grandma and I wanna see her again more than anything else.

I told her about Christ, I fasted, I prayed, I let God.

People ask if she'd prayed the sinner's prayer.

Not that it matters to me.

I know Jesus loves her.

I used to ask myself if i'd ever see her again.

But not any more.

Everything I do, wherever I am, I see my grandma being there with me.

I asked Jesus to keep her in my heart, and He did.

My grandma used to say I never grow up, forever making silly noises,

always needing someone to be there for me.

I never changed.

That was me when I was 9 and it still is now that i'm 19.

I'm still that little kid she used to take care of, i'm still making lots of silly noises,

and I have Jesus to be there for my every need.

I'm certain she's pleased to know that she left me in the care of nail pierced hands.

And it is because of those nail pierced hands that her little grandson could become everything she would dream he'll become.

Everything that I do, whoever I'll become, I'm living my life in honor of Jesus and my grandma.

I'm blessed knowing that Jesus is showering His love for me through my grandma, my family.

I'm a life saved by Love,

I'm a life changed by Love,

I'm a life Paid whole by Jesus.


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