Voices In My Head

Thursday, August 23, 2007

My Ending Holidays

Last week in Ipoh, will be leaving next Thursday on the 30th.

I don't want to dread Switzerland. I want to enjoy the 5 months, and I will.

Anyway... Still being under the "Japanese Influence' I decided to start understanding a little more about the Japanese culture. A good way to know any culture is to watch their movies and read their stories right? So I watched a few of Hayao Miyazaki (director of Spirited Away) and Studio Ghibli animes from my Studio Ghibli special box set.

The animes I watched were

My Neighbour Totoro

A simple yet charming tale about 2 girls who meets a 'Forest Spirit'.

Pom Poko

A tale of about the fight and survival of the 'Tanuki' (raccoon dogs) against the urban developments of men.

The Cat Returns

Japanese onesheet
The story of a high-school girl who rescues a cat and in turn being brought into anothe world ruled by cats.

Howl's Moving Castle

The tale about a shy and unconfident 18 year old girl who later was transformed into an old lady, beginning her journey to discover love and ultimately herself.

Spirited Away

My favourite anime of all time. The tale of a whiny, self-centered young girl matures into a hardworking, helpful and optimistic girl through her journeys in the 'spirit world'

These movies may be light-hearted stories but behind them holds strong themes such as maturity, environmental awareness, greed and more. The movie incorporates the themes into the storyline of characters so well it stays with you long after the movie ends.

I have to admit that there are some parts where the movies can seem rather slow (excluding Spirited Away) compared to Western cartoons but its worth sitting through those moments.

I'm currently planning watching 2 more movies from Miyazaki, Princess Mononoke and Grave of the Fireflies. Especially the latter which features the story of 2 orphan girls during the aftermath of World War 2. Its a departure from the other light-hearted tales of Studio Ghibli but a graphic depiction of suffering and death.

I've heard similar stories from the Western point of view, and now I want to see it from the victims' perspective.

In other news, i'll be 'busy preparing' for Switzerland as I do my last minute packing and shopping.

To those whom I wont meet before leaving,
I'll miss you guys and i'll see you all February next year!
God Bless!


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