Reflecting 2006
2006 seems to be the longest year in my life thus far. What started out to be the most unproductive first few months suddenly turned into a whole new ride of exposure and new experiences. I started my year doing practically nothing. I was donating my time and money to World Of WarCraft. Oh the sweet war raging land of Azeroth. Life seemed stagnant then. Everyday was a routine but my feelings were anything but routine. God knows what happened then, i went through a roller coaster or emotions thus naming myself Emo-Boy. I doubted God, I was angry at God, got tired of Church, basically i was one bitter gourd. Then i came to the conclusion if i left this ****ing place perhaps i'd meet new people, i'd love that new place better and mayb i'd be happier. To cut a long story short i chosed to come to Switzerland.
After months of routine-life, i was taken out of that routine and put into another in KL. i went for French Class. Wake Up, Go French Class, come back, Eat Sleep Shit. after 2 months of French Class came the Moment Of Truth - I'm Leaving For Swiss. My grandparents actually went to KL just to see me off. A part of me actually wanted to leave real bad. and i remembered not feeling any sense of anxiousness, i was having that 'If I Can Set My Mind To It I Can Do It' mentality, was so eager to leave. I remember being so full of energy at the airport. It wasn't even a teary departure for me.
However i got disappointed time after time in Swiss. All that enthusiasm and energy started to run out and things really got bad when my grandma was in Critical Condition. And when i came back to Swiss after my grandma's passing i just didn't wanna be in Swiss at all. It's a freakin long story but let me just put it this way. I was actually told that Swiss may not be what i really want, yet i was self-righteous, i was all about self effort thinking that there's no such thing as unsuitable as long as i set my mind to it. How wrong i was. My self-effort world came crashing down when everything wasn't going according to My plan.
But God is Good. My shepherd found me in Switzerland. From being bitter at God He actually gave me the message of Grace and Favour to me through my bro Eugene. Ps Prince and his ministry has blessed me so so much.
Today, it's Christmas. I started the Christmas with a spirit of thanksgiving thanking God for everything. somehow i ended up getting all frustrated about stuff. but i know God is Good. I know i've been telling my 06 story many times but it's through all my trials and circumstances that i truly see how great and how much God loves me. 06 is ending and i'm more than ever uncertain about 2007 due to many reasons. I'm learning about life and love. I'm sick of trying to define love, instead i want to learn to love. i want to love my family, my friends and a special someone even more. i'm also learning that life is tough, work is tough, earning money is tough... but i'm hopeful for 2007 for i know God has already been through 2007 for me. The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?
After months of routine-life, i was taken out of that routine and put into another in KL. i went for French Class. Wake Up, Go French Class, come back, Eat Sleep Shit. after 2 months of French Class came the Moment Of Truth - I'm Leaving For Swiss. My grandparents actually went to KL just to see me off. A part of me actually wanted to leave real bad. and i remembered not feeling any sense of anxiousness, i was having that 'If I Can Set My Mind To It I Can Do It' mentality, was so eager to leave. I remember being so full of energy at the airport. It wasn't even a teary departure for me.
However i got disappointed time after time in Swiss. All that enthusiasm and energy started to run out and things really got bad when my grandma was in Critical Condition. And when i came back to Swiss after my grandma's passing i just didn't wanna be in Swiss at all. It's a freakin long story but let me just put it this way. I was actually told that Swiss may not be what i really want, yet i was self-righteous, i was all about self effort thinking that there's no such thing as unsuitable as long as i set my mind to it. How wrong i was. My self-effort world came crashing down when everything wasn't going according to My plan.
But God is Good. My shepherd found me in Switzerland. From being bitter at God He actually gave me the message of Grace and Favour to me through my bro Eugene. Ps Prince and his ministry has blessed me so so much.
Today, it's Christmas. I started the Christmas with a spirit of thanksgiving thanking God for everything. somehow i ended up getting all frustrated about stuff. but i know God is Good. I know i've been telling my 06 story many times but it's through all my trials and circumstances that i truly see how great and how much God loves me. 06 is ending and i'm more than ever uncertain about 2007 due to many reasons. I'm learning about life and love. I'm sick of trying to define love, instead i want to learn to love. i want to love my family, my friends and a special someone even more. i'm also learning that life is tough, work is tough, earning money is tough... but i'm hopeful for 2007 for i know God has already been through 2007 for me. The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?
ouhh.. jon, i think u r growing! not physically, but in mentali n spiritually too..
:p god put lots of test 4 u, n u went through it 1 by 1, n u keep faithful to god, 4 sure u'll b blessed !
this is wat i learned recently also. god tests us in anytime, jz to make us stronder n stronger. during our endurance, d devil will come n says lie to u, n make u feel depressed, n feel lonely, so i pray tat jon covered by jesus;s blood, n deliver him from d evil one ! amen...
a plant starts growing from a small tiny seed. But b4 tat, it muz b cover with dirty mud, n soil. which feel nt very comfortable. in behind, d garderner keep on watering, add fertilizer to d seed.... after some time, den onli grow up..
so jon, i think u in d growin part.. i believe tat u will be a strong tree, tat provide shades 4 peopple, n b a fruitful tree..
may god bless u jon , n happy new yar ! :P
Anonymous, at 2:19 PM
although I've only seen u once or twice this year but I kinda know bits of your life through MSN Messenger... and I think that I've been kinda 'transparent' with u by just chatting online... seriously the amount of conversation I had with u through MSN is more than me having a face-to face talk with any of my other friends this year...
well, I know that 2006 has been like a roller coaster ride for you... By only playing World of Warcraft 24/7 for the first few months, having scary driving lessons, having french classes in KL, being uncertain about what you want to study, and you had to put up with me trying to "date" your sista, etc...
and finally, u had made up your mind to study in Switzerland... All I could do was to give my support because I also do believe that you will succeed if only you put your mind to it... but as you said, everything came crashing down just as you wanted to start a new life, a new environment and you had high hopes... but it was unfortunate that you had to bear the pain of losing your grandma who loved you so much..
but I do believe that God has great plans for you as you chose to have FAITH in Him even through tough times... I also believe that God has greater things in store for you in 2007... May the LORD be with you always.. Have a blessed 2007!!! Amen...
Anonymous, at 7:25 PM
hey Yong Kim, Zhu Whee. Banyak thank you for ur comment ah... haha. Yes, Yong Kim i believe that we're all in the growing process, but this is something i learn la. All the problems that i have is not from God. I made wrong choices and lilke u say the devil lied to me, but God is soo good. He will not only lift us through our problems but he will lift us up to a place higher than before.
Just as Joshua and Caleb said when they saw the giants - The giants are bread for us. I don't know what the future holds but God holds the future!! See you guys soon, happie new year!
Jonathan Wan, at 7:07 PM
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